Stella lives in us

Where is here? Who are we?
The answers seems to be never minded while we live everyday.

It’s 5:45am. Today’s Sun is not ready yet. Weak rain’s just stopped and Sky is pale grayish blue. Wet asphalt is colorfully tinted by headlights for morning commuters. We are wanderers on a pale blue dot | on my way to ICN airport.

Is city’s light too bright? We could not see thousands of stars upon our heads. Also we are too busy to remember that we stand on a star in the cosmos.

Few days ago, I happened to see an instagram posting on Carl Sagan’s COSMOS. And it makes me try to answer upon questions. Here is cosmos and we’re made of the same materials of stars. We are star, we are nature. Is there anyone to say no?

Here are some works for our aw19 from the idea above. We are star, we are nature. Stella lives in us. Where are you? and what do you think? We’d love to hear from you, Stella.

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