The box that plants trees

We get diverse benefits from the nature since we acquire mental comfort, energy, and other various products like clothes and even, packaging. What can we do to thank this generous mother nature?

Forest Restoration in Gangwon-do, Korea
Forest Restoration in Gangwon-do, Korea

As our small effort for saving the environment, we are doing a project called Box Tree’. ‘Box Tree’ is a campaign to protect the environment by reducing the use of paper box. For each purchase, we save the same amount of money as cost of one shipping box, and this saving is donated to plant trees. If people choose eco friendly, natural disposable packaging shipping, we double the amount of money to donate.


New & Reliable

There are so many pretty materials in this world. New things are created everyday. However, there aren’t that many materials which care for the environment and us people. We trust in the materials that are harmless to us or our loved ones.

Colour way of each ingredient for natural dyeing
Colour way of each ingredient for natural dyeing
Botanical dyed tee & pants
Botanical dyed tee & pants
Botanical dyed top
Botanical dyed top

We refuse the use of materials which endangers us and our fellow animals living in this planet together. We trust in the materials made without harming the environment. We are together with the partner companies which make beautiful, ethical materials.

Colour variations of natural dyeing

TODAY BRAND CO., LTD.  | Business no. : 233-81-09600 | A mail-order business no. : 2019-경기하남-0278 | Safety purchase service : KG올앳 제A04-161206-0003호 | Hosting by (주)아임웹 | 

Add : A-941, 540, Misa-daero, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-70-7778-5433 | Email : | CEO : Oksun Lee | CPO : Hatch Lee