Mother Earth

We humans have been cohabiting with other animals on Earth from the beginning of history. These creatures should be our ever-lasting friends to share our Mother Earth. But the animals are facing terrible danger. Wild animals are threatened to extinction caused by human being’s reckless destroying of nature. Domestic animals suffer from massive industrialization of cattle raising. 

Certain animals are raised to embellish human beings for the fashion industry. Human beings’ greed has brought barbaric and unreasonable acts which has resulted in the potential extinction of all animals including humans themselves.

While traveling Bijarim, a forest of thousands year in Jeju, Korea
While traveling Bijarim, a forest of thousands year in Jeju, Korea

"Cohabiting with Long-Lasting Friends"

Begin! Vegan!

We are active in supporting the socially disadvantaged. The stock that remains after the season are donated to various social volunteering organizations to be given out to low-income families. We are gratified to be able to assist and share with those who are in need. We will continuously seek to make our world a better place to live in.

“Well begun, Half done”
“Well begun, Half done”

Nature has given equal rights and responsibilities to all creatures on Earth. Humans have no right to monopolize or rule nature. We have to honor the dignity of our fellow inhabitants of our planet. We say NO to any kind of animal abuse. We will strive to achieve harmony in our ecosystem and maintain a healthy cohabitation environment of the Earth.

"All living beings are of same weightiness"

TODAY BRAND CO., LTD.  | Business no. : 233-81-09600 | A mail-order business no. : 2019-경기하남-0278 | Safety purchase service : KG올앳 제A04-161206-0003호 | Hosting by (주)아임웹 | 

Add : A-941, 540, Misa-daero, Hanam-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
TEL : +82-70-7778-5433 | Email : | CEO : Oksun Lee | CPO : Hatch Lee